Three Simple Ways to Indirectly Improve SEO

Improving SEO on your business’s website isn’t just about using keywords!

In fact, good marketing techniques may already be helping increase your ranking on sites like Google and Bing. Even though marketing isn’t specifically done to improve search traffic, that doesn’t mean that it won’t still be helpful. Good marketing can indirectly improve your search rankings. The primary benefit of your marketing techniques is not to improve search traffic, but there’s a good chance that it might just assist in that area!

So what are some good techniques to indirectly help with SEO?

1) Follow up with your customers

Customer feedback is invaluable! In order to get genuine feedback, you have to communicate with your customers. Once you have finished a project or transaction, it’s a good idea to give your customers a call or email, confirming that they are satisfied with your business. You want to make them feel free to contact you for any future help. Once you know that they are happy with your company, you can ask them to share a positive review.
A review of your business on a quality review site such as Yelp, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. can do wonders to help improve your SEO. The more positive reviews you have on these sites, the higher your profile will appear, not only one the website where the review is posted, but also on credible search engines!

2) Optimize your user experience

A functional, useful website is one of the keys to building SEO. Google measures how long a person stays on a website when they visit it from a search. The longer you stay on a site, the more useful and relevant it thinks the content and website are. However, if the user comes back to their Google search shortly after clicking on your site, then Google assumes that the website doesn’t have useful information. Improving the user experience on your website is an invaluable way to keep them on your site longer, and indirectly improve SEO.

Some ways to get your website visitors to stay longer are:

  • Improve the loading time and speed or your site.
  • Fix any 404 Pages and broken links that could confuse people or turn them away.
  • Make your site mobile friendly. Google gives a lower ranking to websites that aren’t mobile responsive.
  • Make navigation on your site easier. If people can’t find what they are looking for quickly, they will move on.

Although cleaning up a cluttered website can improve SEO, some websites are just too old for this to make too much of a difference. In this instance, it is extremely beneficial to have a new website custom built for your company. Websites are like a lot of modern technology (think iPhones). Even though they still work, they become outdated after several years. Although you could still use an original iPhone, it won’t function well or get you the results you are hoping to achieve.

3) Create Relevant Content

We all know the saying “Content is Key” and it’s true for websites as well! Content that is relevant to your industry is the best indirect way to improve your search rankings. When people discover a great piece of relevant content, that is formatted well, they want to share it! If your content is being emailed, reblogged, and shared on social media, it’s also building backlinks and driving traffic to your website. Quality content, created specifically for your target audience increases traffic to your site, which, in turn, improves the relevance and authority of your website and increases your SEO.

Improving SEO doesn’t have to be complicated, it just takes perseverance and a little work! At Thrive Creative Group our Dedicated Resource provides you with a team of professionals to assist with marketing your business. This includes things like blogging, social media, graphic design, and more! Contact us or fill out our online questionnaire to learn more about partnering with our small business team of 10 to handle your website, design, and marketing needs. We love to help small businesses Thrive!
