Photography Tips For Social Media Marketing

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is true, ESPECIALLY on social media.


Most companies and small businesses need a strong social media marketing strategy

Your potential clients will scroll through their news feeds and invariably stop on a photo.  If it’s interesting enough and has anything to do with what they’re searching for, they will take the time to read about the photo and thus about your product or service. Great photos can tell a better story that people can relate to more easily.  This is why a great photo is important to you as a means to attract new clients or customers.

  • 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual.
  • 70% of our sensory receptors are in your eyes.
  • 50% of your brain is active in visual processing.
  • 40% of people respond better to visuals.

Here are a few tips on using the right photo:

  1. Choose a single image.  Don’t use a collage or album.  They will distract and bore some potential clients.
  1. Don’t use  “before and after” shots.  If what you’re selling can be shown in one great “after” shot.  Use it.
  1. Even if you don’t have a photo, use a graphic to describe what you’re talking about.
  1. Have fun!  The most high-impact visuals are those that personalize your content.
  1. Take advantage of every chance you get to capture your audience’s attention with stunning visuals.

To make sure your visual content stands out, we at Thrive Creative Group, LLC suggest using our professional photographer vs. using a shot from your cell phone. Good look and get on that strategy! Don’t have one? Give us a call at 931-221-4991 or get started with our new project questionnaire here »

Posted In: Marketing Tips