Website Security & Maintenance

Website Content goes along with
Website Security, Care and Maintenance!


Yes, a new website for small business is a big investment, very much like a owning a car…

Like a new car, your website needs proper care! It’s important for security, and SEO to be sure you give your site a monthly update and upgrade any software, plugins, database to make sure it’s performing at it’s best. Certain kinds of website care & upgrades are required monthly to ensure web forms continue to function, and images load, and your users get the best experience. Technology is constantly upgrading, updating and becoming faster & better, so it’s important your new wordpress website is too. Taking good care of your website and making sure it stay’s current because new browsers are updated & new smart phones are developed & it’s the best way to make sure your website still looks great and works perfectly!

Web apps such as WordPress are software, so they need to be updated just like you update your operating system (Windows or Mac OS), applications, smartphone apps, etc. Out of date WordPress software & databases may have technical issues on new devices, usability errors, broken contact forms or search engine problems.

In order to avoid costly problems down the road if your website is neglected, it is best to choose a website care plan. Do you have to choose a plan? Well, of course not, just like you don’t have to change the oil in your car, but we all know where that can lead! 😉

(Ok, this is the serious stuff! We love our sites & don’t want them to get hackalacked!) 

We provide ongoing informative customer service for website monitoring and maintenance. The point is, we feel that we have an obligation & commitment to our clients to make sure your site has the required upgrades in order for it to display, load & run as perfectly as possible on the internet. We can set you up with custom plan for maintenance protection based on your sites traffic, subscribers, and blogs. We can write those blogs for you and add photos from your most recent press release too, so you don’t have to worry about knowing HTML!


Reasons for website care and maintenance:

1. Website security risks

Maintaining a Content Management System (CMS) requires version updates, plugin upgrades, and hardware maintenance. New features require new training, development, and upkeep are included in our maintenance agreement costs. If these updates are not preformed makes your website a target that can easily be penetrated by hackers that will inject malicious code & destroy your website.

2. Website Database Backup & Restore
We backup your site the day it is launched, but as you add content, images, pages & widgets that content needs to be backed up and stored offline. You cannot leave the backup process up to the hosting vendor, it’s not their responsibility. Just like your laptop or desktop computer, you should be doing regular backups of your blog or website.

3. Website Storage Volume
Volume of files may be large in HTML-based systems. A site that contains many files leaves itself open to errors. For example, a client updating the site may create errors; large amounts of files can cause issues with updating. Trying to find the right file may take time, and may be hard to find.

4. Website Latency issues
Larger CMSs can experience latency if hardware infrastructure is not up to date, if databases are not being utilized correctly, and if cache files that have to be reloaded every time data is updated grow large. Load balancing issues may also impair caching files & drastically hurt the performance of your website.

5. Website Tool Mixing
Because the URLs of many CMSs are dynamically generated with internal parameters and reference information, they are often not stable enough for static pages and other Web tools, particularly search engines, to rely on them. It’s important to keep permalinks, url’s & google crawl requests current.

Give our website development team a call today at 931-221-4991 or hope over and email us on our contact form for your website care today!