What You Need to Know About Facebook Ads

While it may not seem like it, advertising on Facebook is still extremely relevant. Thrive Creative Group explains why your small business should be spending a percentage of your marketing budget on paid social advertising  


According to Entrepreneur, Facebook brings in 40% of annual digital display advertising revenue, and in a study conducted by Hootsuite, 78% of marketers consider Facebook to be the most effective platform to reach their business goals. However, if you want your posts seen on Facebook, you’ll have to pay for that reach with Facebook Ads.

Why you should use Facebook Ads

  • Affordable
    • You set your budget and Facebook stops running your ad when you hit that amount.
  • You can target specific audiences
    • Age, location, gender, marital status, etc.
  • It’s easy to use
    • And highly-customizable
  • Analytics
    • Facebook makes measuring the success of your ads easy by providing you with insights related to your goals.
      • Impressions, reach, frequency, likes, shares, page likes, click-through rates, etc.

Mistakes to Avoid

  • Slacking on the quality of your creatives and the copy
    • You want both a catchy graphic or compelling video and a strong copy that will get customers to pay attention.
  • Not knowing your objective
    • The objective you choose determines how the Facebook algorithm shows ads to audiences, so if you don’t pinpoint your objective, it will deliver to the wrong audience.
  • Making grammatical errors or typos
    • Triple check the copy for your ads. This could cause customers to question the quality of your work if there are errors.
  • Not narrowing down your target audience
    • Too broad of an audience can cost you time and money.

Getting started

  • Set your objective – what is your goal for this ad
    • To increase traffic to your website, generate new leads, boost engagement, etc.
  • Define your audience
    • Location – state, city, zip code, address or you can refine even further with a mile radius
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Language
  • Set your budget
    • This figure represents the maximum amount you’re going to spend
      • Daily – this is the average budget you’ll spend a day
      • Lifetime – this is the maximum amount during the lifetime of your ad set
  • Create your ad
    • Use either an existing post or create a new one
      • This step is where you’ll pick if you want a single image, carousel, video, etc.
  • Choose your ad placements
    • Facebook will recommend placements based on the objective you choose in step 1.
    • Or Facebook offers additional recommendations broken out by your objective.

Advertising on Facebook is an essential way to expand your reach. At Thrive Creative Group, our design and marketing teams work together to create eye-catching ads and creative copy to help your ads reach your target audience.

Ready to get started on paid social advertising? Contact us today by filling out our project questionnaire!

Posted In: Marketing Tips